The chain

This is an activity that we did in the beginning of the term, when old an new students met to get to know each other and form new groups.

In the same way that the links in a chain can become something long and strong, you and your classmates can create something great. Each individual contributes with their link, every day and every moment in school. Today you will also create the chain that will symbolise this.

In the box there are different things and materials that you can use to make your own  unique link.

Then put your links together and let them form a chain that will symbolise your class. You will also get a chance to tell the others why your chain looks the way it does.

Remember that links may look very different, and not all are oval…

/Anna, Medlefors

Evaluating the week…

We have tried different ways to let the students in our class evaluate their work, and one is the weekly log book.

Our goals with this was to

  • remind the students of what we have done the last week
  • make them reflect on the things we have done…and themselves
  • set goals for themselves…
  • …and express what they must (and mustn’t) do to achieve their goals

Every Friday, we wrote about the weeks activities together, and then the students wrote individually about their own thoughts and reactions, and set their own goals for next week.

At the end of the term, we evaluated the whole log book process.

This term we try something else…

It is often difficult to find time to sit down and talk to the students, and many of them are more comfortable in front of a keyboard than face to face with someone, especially if the topic of the conversation is difficult.

Every Friday, my colleague and I give the students in our class time to send us an e-mail. We started the term with sending them an e-mail with some questions about their thoughts, goals and worries, and asked them to reply with quote, to keep up the dialogue. Before next Friday, we reply, give them follow up questions and encourage them to write more, motivate, and not only answer yes or no. We also try to ask questions, that might be difficult (but challenging), about their own reactions, efforts, ambitions and needs.

So, we are trying and exploring different ways to let the students practice evaluating their work…

/Anna, Medlefors